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Zookeeper for a Day

Ready for a wild day at the zoo? Meet a curious baby elephant, sneaky footprints, and a BIG splashing surprise! But what happens next? 🐘✨

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Tim skipped into the zoo, bouncing with excitement. Today was the day Tim got to be the zookeeper’s helper! The head zookeeper handed Tim a shiny badge and said, “Ready for an adventure?” Tim clapped his hands. “Yes, I’m ready!”
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The zookeeper took Tim to meet Ellie, a baby elephant with floppy ears. Ellie waved her trunk and made a happy trumpet sound. “She loves bananas and peanuts,” the zookeeper said, handing Tim some treats. Ellie wiggled her trunk to grab the food and gave Tim a gentle nudge, as if to say, “Hi, friend!”
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While Tim helped scoop hay, Ellie got curious. She saw a little gate that wasn’t closed all the way. “Hmm, what’s out there?” she seemed to wonder and tiptoed out, leaving tiny footprints behind. No one noticed Ellie sneaking off on her big adventure!
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Tim turned around and gasped. “Ellie’s gone!” his eyes spotted little footprints in the dirt. “I’ll find you, Ellie!” Tim promised. Following the trail, Tim ran past lions snoozing in the sun and flamingos standing on one leg.
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The footprints stopped by the monkey trees. Ellie was staring up at the silly monkeys swinging and chattering. “Ellie went that way!” one monkey said, pointing with a banana. “Hurry, it’s so fun!” giggled another. Tim smiled, thanked the monkeys, and hurried after Ellie.
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Splash! Ellie had found the penguin pool and was splashing like crazy. The penguins waddled and squawked, “What’s she doing here?” “Ellie, that’s for penguins!” laughed Tim. Holding up a bucket of peanuts, Tim called, “Come on, Ellie!” Ellie sniffed the peanuts and followed Tim out, her trunk held high.
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But before Tim could lead Ellie home, she ran off again! This time, she headed to the butterfly garden. A gardener waved and said, “Ellie’s smelling the flowers. She’s right over there!” Tim thanked the gardener and tiptoed into the garden, looking for Ellie among the fluttering butterflies.
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Tim had a clever idea! “Ellie loves peanuts,” Tim thought. Grabbing a handful, Tim made a trail of peanuts, one by one, leading back to her enclosure. “Ellie, follow the yummy peanuts!” Tim said with a grin.
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Ellie sniffed the first peanut and gobbled it up. Then the next. And the next! Step by step, she followed the tasty trail all the way back to her home. When she saw her hay pile, Ellie flapped her ears and gave a happy trumpet.
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The zookeeper clapped and smiled. “You did it, Tim! You’re a great helper!” Ellie reached out with her trunk to give Tim a gentle hug. As Tim waved goodbye, his heart felt warm and proud. What an adventure—and what a fun day!
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